lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

The USA in the Roaring Twenties

Growing Cities

In 1920s, more Americans lived in towns and cities than the country. Yhe 1920s cities were growing fast. The growing cities with its imposing skyline of skycrapers were built because there was no land available, in New York. Throughout the 1920s there was tension between rural USA snd urban USA.


            During the 1920s the entertainment industry blossomed . This sparetime and money was chanelled into entertainment.

. Radio:
Almost everyone in the USA listened to the radio. Most households had their own set. People who could not afford to buy one outright, could purchase one in stalement.

. Jazz:
The radio gave much grater access to music. Jazz became an obsession among young people. Black people who moved from the country to the cities brought jazz and blues music with them.

. Sport:
Sport was another boom area. Baseball became a big money sport. Boxing was another popular sport.

. Cinema:
In a small suburb outside Los Angeles, called Hollywood, a major industry was ´producing a large number of films.

The Jazz Singer is the first "talkie" movie of all times (1927) 

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